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random musings

It's a funny thing to think how strange things go when you're faking it. I just read in March's issue of glamour that the best, most successful people out there are often the ones who fake it best. Well, I have to say that I suck at faking it. I just feel like I don't know anything here, and that everyone else is so high above me I'd never catch up, not even if I suddenly became a genius overnight. Which I won't.

Gaah. All this when I know Drug Emporium would love to take me back. Maybe I'm just not cut out for research. Wouldn't that suck? Cause working with stem cells does sort of imply that I would be doing research. Sigh. How did I get through college? With a lot of help from my friends and a whole lot of prayer. Shoot, I bet I don't remember half of what I learned, and only the last half has any sort of chance of being remembered. Why is it that I can keep my story organized in my head and make up new parts all the time but I can't figure out how to make the proper cell count and I can't remember from the beginning of a presentation to the end that the reason that we'd like to use this new system is that it takes about two weeks to implement instead of the six months it takes to breed the mice with the proper construct? Gaah.

this is actually from a couple of days ago when I was learning how to do radioactive labelling, and needless to say, I was a little bit weirded out. Just thought I'd share.

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