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Yet another tally in the completely obsessed category

I went to Best Buy and bought the VHS of LotR:FotR. Stood in line for a little over an hour, but I got a really cool tshirt and the FotR one-sheet movie poster. So I'm happy, and I know what I'm watching tomorrow night smile

Now all I need is a Legolas stand-up and I'll be set, lol. I am seriously entertaining the thought of trying to make a Legolas costume for Halloween. Not that I'd be going to any parties or anything, but at least I'd have a reason to wear the ears.

I really want to learn how to play guitar. And I miss the piano.

file under: lordoftherings


Where are you going to get your ears? Bow and arrows too. I'm sure they'll be popular this year.

Why don't you teach yourself Jen? That's what I did, basically

About the costume, I just wish we'd have all those things here by the time TTT comes Or we'll just make our own (Kit probably will :lol

Yeah, Im making my costume. A cape which could double as a Jedi robe, and an elvish cape (the one they were given at Lorien). About the ears..well. I have to learn how to make silicone molds for that. :lol:

Lemme see if I can make a bow and arrow.

Ack! any of you guys know where I can get a stand up of Legolas? I really, really want one for my room


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