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I'm a LotR freak, man

Even as I'm contemplating changing my Legolas layout for a really John Mayer one, I am getting inundated with LotR Stuff. Not that that's a bad thing. I got the FotR dvd and the Art of LotR:FotR today, and my dad brought back home the LotR:FotR publicity cd. And I went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought some patterns to make a Legolas outfit for next year's Comincon. And maybe a renaissance faire or two. Although my mom thinks I should make a dress like Galadriel's instead. I'm for the comfort of leggings. Any thoughts?

So I have a year to make the costume(s?) and learn how to play guitar. Oh, and learn tagalong.

but, I am one step closer to getting a dvd player. This weekend is Preferred Customer weekend at Best Buy, so hopefully I'll be getting one... *crosses fingers* I can't wait to see the dvd!

I'm insane, I know.

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I'll be at Bestbuy this Friday taking advantage of all the savings they sent us.

Galadriel or Legolas.. I would go with Legolas for the actual Comicon and then change to Galadriel for the masquerade ball.

John Mayer or Legolas... you know me, Legolas! Like you didn't see that one coming.

A friend of mine and I are going to the two towers together in costume. I, because I used to be so obsessed over legolas, and now quietly reguard him as a glory-hog, I will be dressed as legolas, with a kick me sign on my back reading, "Kick me, I'm Legolas." and she will be galadriel.

I just have one question..I've been looking for some patterns for a costume like Legolas' also. Could you give me some ideas? it would be completly helpful ^^

thanks. ~Snow~

love legolas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love legolas so much more then my self i took up acher (bow and arrows) it is so cool!

i would die for legolas!

OMG, I luv Legolas and Orlando SOOOOOOOO much! He is so hot and entirely amazing! Go Legolas!

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