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Ring Thing

In honor of people moving this week's topic is about weblogs. (Next week will be about the DVD

again, of course.) How long have you had a weblog? Do you have more than one? If so, how do you divide what you write in them? How did you decide which program or service to use, and are you happy with it? Bonus question for those who care to share: What's your philosophy of blogging? Every thought that crosses your mind? Only very selected items? Somewhere in between?

I've had this blog/site/collection of ramblings since April 24, 2002, incidentally my parents' 26th anniversary. My other blog, Aspire II is really the original Aspire, as it was started back in Nov of 2001, just when classes were starting to get hectic, Thanksgiving and the annual trip down south to Richland to visit the grandparents were right around the corner, and I was really starting to get excited for Lord of the Rings. Aspire II uses Blogger, because it's free and I'm lazy. This one uses Greymatter, which I'm very happy with. Both have their idiosyncrasies, but then again, so do I. I try to write regularly... my record for this blog was last week, I think, when I blogged almost the entire week in a row. Then I went to the John Mayer concert and didn't get back until the next day, lol. I have no idea what my record is on AII.

I write whatever I want to. I try to put in interesting things, links that have caught my eye, but basically it's my place to express myself, and typing is a helluva lot quicker than writing it all out (although I'd like to have a use for the lovely LotR journal that Alex gave me...) Besides, all you fine people get to discover far too much information about me that you'd ever want.

See what I mean? Ramblings.

file under: memes


I don't know what my record is either. I can be very regular and just drop out. *shrugs*

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