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Wish upon a shooting star

I saw the Leonids last night. I actually set my alarm for 4:30 am. Made me think of the beginning of last track season when we had to be at the back of the AC at 5:30 am to leave. Sigh.

What's funny is the old watch I use as a snooze alarm was set for 4:20, and it went off, and I hit the stop button. About a second later it went off again, went for a few seconds while I fumbled with the buttons, and then stopped. The batteries had died. I guess someone wanted me to see the meteors smile

It was cold. Not so cold that you couldn't stand outside too long, and I was nearly too tired to care. The sky was so clear. It would have been better if there was no full moon, but it was in the west and the shower's radiant was in the east, and my house between, so all was well. There were a few bursts of 3 in a row, and 3 or 4 really bright ones with long tails, but nothing terribly spectacular. I think if I'd had a telescope it might have been a little more exciting, cause there were many times when I'd see one out of the corner of my eye or one that was so faint I wasn't sure if I had just imagined it or seen a tree branch waving or somesuch.

But since it's not going to be so clear for another three decades, I decided to see it.

And my wish? No, I don't think I'll tell you. You'll know if it comes true.

file under: muses


YAY! New layout!

Doodlebob. Stupid alarm clock. Stupid clouds that would have made it impossible to see anything anyways.

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