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Ring Thing...after a while

in case you're wondering, here's the link: http://www.lilithofsherwood.com/rings-thing/

There seems to be a trend of including more and more on the DVD release of a film.

Can this trend be taken too far? Has it already gone too far? Or is the more always the merrier?

Well, I'm certainly glad they did it in this case. The LotR:FotR Collector's Edition DVD is a masterpiece to say the least. SO much information. I still haven't gotten through anything but the movie and a few of the interviews. I like having the information available, but I know that most movies have more stuff generated that we'll never see that if every movie came out with stuff like this we'd be broke in a year. I don't especially like duplicating movies that I have, but in this case I think it was worth it. I guess what I think is good is put the extras on one disc, or two at most. I don't think any of the other LotR movies will have such a big set, being that most of the behind the scenes stuff was in this edition. But I can't wait to see the extended versions of the other two movies. I don't mind sitting through extra hours of footage. I'm a LotR freak and happy with it.

BTW, advance tickets for TTT are supposed to come out on Friday. I'll be looking!

file under: lordoftherings
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