Random LotR thoughts, etc
from Christina
1) You, Legolas, alone in one room. What do you do? Ask him to show off his bow
2) You, Arwen, alone in one room. What do you do? wonder how she got Aragorn
3) We sadly lost 3 when he fell into....ummm...ok, we just lost him.
4) What gift would you ask of the Elves? to be one of them
5) What race would you most like to be: Human, Elf, Dwarf, or Hobbit? see #4
6) Honestly...would you keep it secret, and safe? Yes.
7) If you would keep it secret and safe, would you be the ring-bearer, or would you swear to protect the ring-bearer? Protect. I'd like to stay sane, thanks.
Ok, you are the ring bearer, who makes up the Fellowship with you (of your friends) and if they�re enough like a character, say who they�d be: and here's where I feel crappy cause I don't think I have enough friends to make up the fellowship. Or that would have any interest in being part of it.
9) Ok, you�re not the ring bearer (but you are in the Fellowship like above), who of your friends would be the ring-bearer? Sheesh. You know I'd be Legolas, but apparently I'm more like a dwarf with my lethal sprint speed...see #8. I honestly have no idea who could do this.
10) Are you evil? Evil enough to become a tool of Sauron? Hell no. I am a nice girl!
11) If you had to be one of the nasty/evil creatures (i.e. the Balrog, the Cave Troll, an orc, Ring Wraith, etc) what one would you be, and why? Ringwraith. Such a cool name.
12) If you didn't know the ring was The One Ring, but you knew it made you disappear and such, what would you do with it? Hide from coworkers.
13) Pippin and Merry- are they really ok guys, or just big nuisances? Cute hobbits. End up being better in the book than the movie makes them out to be.
14) Who kicks the most ass; Gandalf, Legolas, Strider, or Gimli? you have to ask? Legolas, of course. Seven shots, seven orcs, the white knives, punching out a few Rohirrim...
15) Would you rather be an Archer, Wizard, or Ranger?: Archer, right now, but Lego uses a sword too...haha! Two-for-one deal!
16) Who's your favorite character? Legolas, all the time.
17) Who's your favorite hobbit? Tie between Merry and Frodo.
If, for some odd reason, Aragorn and Legolas were to get in a fight, who do you think would win (and why)? Heh. Long-range? Legolas all the way. Can't beat his archery prowess. Up close and personal? Tough to say. Andruil would probably break the long knives.
19) Do you think the race of men is weak? well, yes. But then I would be putting down myself, and we can't have that...so just less strong-willed than the elves.
20) Does it make you sad to know the Elves are leaving these shores? Yes. I want to go with them...
21) React to this: Frodo lives! lol.
22) If you've read the book and seen the movie, did you like both, or do you think one was better than the other? I enjoy both. I like having the movie's visual when rereading the books. And the books just get better with each rereading. Like the movies get better with each viewing.
23) Do you think the movie was an insult to Tolkien's genius? Oh for heaven's sake. It's just a movie. PLOT DEVICE!
24) Any problem with the cast? Well, there is absolutely no reason for Liv to have such a prominent place in the publicity, but I like the cast. I think they work well togther. Wish I could be a part of something like that.
25) Honestly...do you think Liv Tyler did a good job as Arwen, or are you glad she's in the movie just because she's hot? She is great as an elf, but I don't personally like her that much. The movie would have been fine without her (Why no Glorfindel?)
26) What do you think of the choice to cut out Tom Bombadill? He would have been interesting. But alright considering the amount of material they DID put in.
27) Was the Balrog all you had hoped for? Honestly wasn't hoping for too much. Glad it turned out as it did.
Any other changes from the book to the movie that irritate you? Arwen's role in FotR and TTT...Missing Merry/Pippen moments...Faramir being a jerk.
29) How about that special-edition dvd, pretty cool, or no? Hot damn, baby. Among the top reasons to spend $60. Others being to buy books or cds.
30.) Lastly, what was your favourite bit of the movie? FotR: Moria/Amon Hen. TTT: Helm's Deep/Casting out of Saruman and parts leading up to it. And that damn flying elf
there's more...click the link!
last book you read: Whole book: The Two Towers for the third time. Part of book: Blue Moon by Laurell K Hamilton. It is the full moon, after all.
- last movie you saw: The Two Towers, for the second time.
- last movie you saw on the big screen: See above.
- last phone number you called: Sarah
- last show you watched on TV: Providence, cause it was on
- last song you heard: one of the myriad LotR songs off the two soundtracks
- last thing you had to drink: milk
- last thing you ate: Pasta house for dinner
- Last Time you showered: before bed yesterday
- last time you cried: a week ago, when I found out I will be losing my job Feb 1st
- last time you smiled: when Todd's new fuzzy rug got delivered to the lab
- last time you laughed: see above
- last person you hugged: Mom
- last thing you said: I won't be watching it
- last person you talked to online: Alex
- last person you talked to on the phone: Someone who wanted to talk to Todd
- last thing you smelled: Linguini with clam sauce