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Rings Thing Extravaganza

We've now seen two countries, Rohan and Gondor (well, a *bit* of Gondor!) that we hadn't seen in FOTR. Given the choices so far, where in Middle Earth would you want to live? If you answered this last year for FOTR, has your answer changed, and why?

I'm still with the elves, for anyone who is wondering. The forests of Rivendell and Lothlorien, the darkness of Mirkwood...and who knows, you might catch a glimpse of Legolas somewhere...although it would be nice to see the Window on the West.

What are your favorite moments in TTT? Specifically, and in general? What makes them your favorites--most moving, most emotional, most beautiful? Are they other than what you might have expected them to be, prior to seeing the movie?

Favorite moments: anything to do with Legolas. Seriously. Also, Gandalf and Eomer's charge down the hill at Helm's Deep. Such great music. Such a great way to end the seige. The Ents attacking Isengard. It's just so much fun. Esp. when the burning ent quenches himself in the flood. And wonderful music, to boot. Sense a trend? Legolas getting on the horse (or should I say flying?) Legolas telling Aragorn, Le abdollen. Sense another trend? lol.

I sure hope all you PC folk out there appreciate what I did for you. Cause this layout is still being weird on my Mac. Enjoy it, regardless.

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