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Orlicandie and more

I'm hosting my first site! Whoohoo! Go check out Orlicandie and let Nessa know what you think!

Saw Shanghai Knights with Alex last night. Very good, very funny, and some nice cinematographic moments. And Randy Edelman did the music, which is a good thing. I think it might have been funnier than the first one. Lots of niiiice martial arts. A good villain. Swordplay. A girl who could kick ass. Rock on.

So I was silly and got the 2-disc set of Moulin Rouge. Very cool. There's this interactive version that shows behind the scenes stuff, but only got to see some of the extras on the second disc cause (get this) I'm supposed to search for these old-version shoes my mom wants and antique glass eyes for this miniature ox statue we've got. Something from a chinese legend. I have a feeling I'm not going to find either. Ah well.

Had a longish chat with Jem about Moonstone words last night. Er, this morning. I just get lost in talking about stuff I've made up. Isn't that silly? But it's so fun. cer'athe elthione i'c� laeva, tuo cire. Arro ish bian quor, min Chief cist� mo. and cedde tuon bianne e bie! and Pad na corure? ish tu'toranar. None of which are in use yet, but will be shortly smile I know what they all mean and I made up present tense conjugation. lol. my made up language has some grammar! hopefully I can get many chapters written this year. lol. And I haven't forgotten about Decadence, it's just tough to get in the mood with that one. Someday, grasshopper. If you have anything to say about either of these, please, please leave a comment or something. I love feedback.

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