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Rings Thing

We've mostly discussed the heroes in LOTR. What about the villains? What do you think of the way they were written and portrayed in the movies? If you read the books, are they as you pictured them?

(visit the new Rings Thing LJ)

So. Villains. I definitely liked Saruman better in the book than I like him onscreen, he was developed more. However, I really like how Christopher Lee plays him. He looks like he should. Sauron...He looks pretty good for a flaming eyeball. Obviously, it's easier to portray a flaming eyeball as a villain in a book where you can just accept the concept, whereas in the movie it's gotta be an actual force, and that's tough to do. I think it flew pretty well...I think the baddies (orcs, Uruks, etc) were done really well. Esp. the wraiths. You really get a chill when they come by! I usually read those parts really quickly and never formed an image of them. Besides, who wants to carry that around in your imagination if you don't have to? lol. And if you consider Gollum a villain (which he definitely can be) he was a) wonderfully created in the book and in the movie and b) much better than I expected in the movie. It's great to have one of those ambiguously villainous characters that you don't know whether to pity or hate.

Course, now that I have the dvd I'll just skip over all the ugly parts and focus on Legolas wink Kidding. I almost never skip. I do occasionally rewind...

file under: lordoftherings


LUUV your new template! The Legolas banner is amazing! Told ya, you're an HTML sorceress! *lol*

I do skip parts of th DVD to focus on Legolas... Is that bad? Naaah! *lol*

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