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Please vote. And no, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth

You see those links after this post? Please click them and vote for me. This is an important week! You'd make me very happy.

So I'm trying to be a better daughter and do more about the house and be more sociable with my family. Which is seriously cutting into my internet time. I really need a job and an apartment and a car so I can just have a messy room without bothering anyone. That's not the real reason, I know. I should just be better about helping. Or we should get cable or dsl so the phone line stays open. Whatever.

Point being I won't be on that often. I'd love to get a new layout up for this site, start working on changing it to php, but the comp that has Dreamweaver (and more importantly, Photoshop with web-optimization) is the laptop which no longer has a working AC adapter. Ergo I can't use it for very much longer (it's got about an hour or so of time left in the battery) and hence can't make up a new layout. Also can't use it to write which sucks cause I've got some very good ideas that need to get written. So no moonstone until I can get a new cord. Also sucks cause I was working on a new portfolio site which I really need to get published if I'm serious about a web design job. Sigh. *crosses fingers* please someone like me enough to give me a job.

btw, happy 03-03-03 wink

file under: reallife


I don't understand why they haven't snatched you up already. Dummies... *grumbles*

Family time is nice. I sense my parents saying that to me soon.

Maybe I should send you a new cord with the bootlegged copy

Miss you.

Miss ya lots Jen. Hope things work out well for ya.

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