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They come in pints?

Random, I know. I was actually thinking of how my interviews seem to come in clusters. Didn't get anything for two months, and here I have four in two weeks. Two last week on the same day, one today, one tomorrow. Please dear Lord someone like me. Remember how I'm walking around with no insurance? Well. sort of. And I need a car/apartment/new iBook/loan repayment/direct deposit, so it's to everyone's good that I get a job, right? sigh. So, wish me luck again. or pray. yeah, praying is good.

Jars of Clay is cool. What the heck is pre-press? I am so caught in the classic catch-22 of need a job but need experience to get a job but need a job to get experience...

why doesn't anyone want a fantasy writer who can make her own website? lol. ah well. I was hoping to get a new layout up in time for St Patricks day but given the fact that my laptop's power cord is now in the electronic heaven has prevented that. Don't think I'll be able to get a new one before then. meh.

wish me luck. pray.

file under:


Best of luck Jen! *hugs* You can do it.

Don't fret. I know someone will hire you. It's stupid that you haven't been snatched up already.

*sigh* Why would you want to change an already wonderful layout?

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