Happy April Fools
If I were cool I'd have a giftie for you all, but alas, I am not cool. So you'll have to settle for nothing.
I haven't failed.....I've just found 1000 ways that don't work!
~ Thomas Edison
Hopefully tonight I'll be at Barnes & Noble getting the new Anita Blake book signed by Laurell K Hamilton herself. Here's hoping I get there on time and I meet people and she's nice. Damn but I hope the new book is good, and something that I'm hoping for is in there...you should read them I'll have to take the last book with me for a little light reading while I'm waiting
btw, I know I said I'd have a new layout. the layout is actually done. but the php stuff isn't. I think I'll have to do it in stages. Egad but I hate modems.