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Cerulean Sins

So, last night (er. Tuesday night, anyway) the eleventh book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series came out. And since the lovely author, Laurell K Hamilton, lives in StL, we got to have the first book signing smile I wasn't able to get to the bookstore until about a half hour before she was supposed to start signing, so I got a really high line number. As I have a job interview tomorrow (pray/cross your fingers/send good vibes my way) and I need to get to bed, I'll give you the really short version: it took over four hours to get my books signed. Sheesh. Not that I don't love the lady and her books but good Lord that's insane. So I basically mucked around a bookstore all night. They even kept the place open for at least 45 min after closing time so we could all get our books signed. Strangely enough I couldn't seem to read the book too much while I was waiting (I perused other items in the store) and I think it was because I was in too much of a hurry to get to the store so I didn't bring my cd player. Sigh. I love to read to music. I know that weirds some people out, but I need something in the background. I didn't get home until a little after midnight. Ah well. And then I stayed up reading half the book...and with an amazing show of willpower, I managed to shut it and go to sleep. Only to wake up and read the rest of it. It's shorter than the last, which is disappointing, but other parts of the book more than made up for that. And now I really wish she was only writing the one series so the next book will come out very quickly...alas I think we have to wait at least a year and a half. More if/when I have time.

So I said I'd keep this short. Hah. Ok. One more good thing. Finally got the Children of Dune soundtrack. Track 8: Inama Nushif has been on repeat for the last few hours. mmm.

btw, did you notice there are now smileys available for your enjoyment? wink rolls eyes

file under: books


Oh My. Smileys. And look! Awwwwww I'll stop wasting them now. *pets smileys*

Wait, so I was actually going to say something before the smileys hijacked me.

O yeah. I keep mixing up St Paul and St Louis. Which one's near minneap..

nice layout jen I know you wanna come hang out this weekend, so give me a call hehe smileys

jen, I just came back and saw the layout - it's stunning. Purdy, purdy, purdy.

Jen! I love the new layout!

WOOOOOOOOW. Very cool layout Jen. Orli in rainbow colors. Just....wow, amazing. You never run out of ideas, do you?

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