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Whoa. Redux

So I saw the Matrix Reloaded on saturday...yay! What a cool movie. Now you might have heard how it's somewhat lacking in plot and other things of that nature. EW gave it a B, but the local paper only gave it 2 1/2 stars. Personally, I don't pay too much attention to reviews. If I want to see a movie I see it, reviews be damned. And I definitely wanted to see this one. It sort of popped up on me unexpectedly; I was a little more interested in Pirates and of course Return of the King, which as you can see in the sidebar are quite a ways away. But then I finally saw the trailer for Matrix in front of X-Men 2 and I just got all hyped up. So. I was peeved that I couldn't see it opening night, but at least I got to see it smile I think it definitely rates a second viewing. If I can get my parents to the theater, I think we'll see it...

So. My impression. Seemed a little long-winded at times. I couldn't understand the french guy all the time when he spoke (tut tut, there goes my six years of french classes). The pep-talk/rave/sex scene was indeed sexy, if a bit drawn out. Arm plugs, ew. Too much vinyl on Trinity. I want a coat like Neo's (as well as his sunglasses). Missed some of the computer/programming logic conversations. Liked the tv screens when he's talking to the Architect. Like the Twins. I wonder if they come back? There is no spoon.

But it's time to leave, so maybe I'll get back to you after I go do my Superman thing. wink

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*nono* Ah! You didn't understand what Lambert Wilson (the French guy in the Matrix) said? Well, that's not very surprising because all he said in french was curses and when I went to see it here, everyone cracked up when they saw the scene!

All those different reviews (including yours) make me very curious. I wonder what I will think of the movie. The Matrix Part I rocks, so I hope I will not be disappointed!

I don't have to see the movie to tell you that I like the twins. From the way they look in the trailer, they look super cool.

Thank goodness I wasn't that hyped up about this movie or else I would be tempted to go see it. Saw Ewan instead.

I liked Matrix: Reloaded too! To hell with those bad reviews. Hmph.

I think I need to watch it again because there were some parts that I didnt understand. Hee. Or maybe it was meant not to be understood. :shrug:

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