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Work's going pretty well. I'm really leaning in the direction of an apartment. Course, the apartment means I have to buy the Saturn and pay all the insurance for it, and then a monthly rent check...and actually buying food every week! Eh. Money goes too fast. Esp. when you go to bookstores on whims and buy $60 more than you spent on clothes. Yes. I know. book freak. I often wonder how many books I have...perhaps it's reached a thousand. I certainly have hundreds of cds. I actually made a list of some of them the other night. Over 150 and that's not all of them. Borders was made for me. I could live there if they had better food.

It's funny, cause I can't see myself doing the technician thing forever, but I've got to (sort of) resign myself with doing this for at least a year so I can get maximum benefit. Maybe longer, who knows? And maybe then the super-upper-level education. Who knows? At least I get Memorial day off wink

When I get home I'm gonna start working on the costume again. I've got a fair looking muslin made up, if you ignore the fact that it's too short and the sleeves don't work with it yet...and somehow I have to make up props. A girl emailed me about making a skit for Comic-Con...so I've really got to get cracking!

and now I must be going...time for home!

file under: reallife , working


Yup, money goes away too fast. Which is why I haven't moved out yet. Don't forget, furniture, little knick knacks here that there that you'll need. *sigh*

Get cracking with that costume hon. It needs to be done by Comicon!

I think it must be nice to have an apartment and be independent. I'd have so much fun decorating it But money is the perennial problem...like Douglas Adams said, little green pieces of paper.

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