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Insight of the Week

Do you look on the bright side of things? If you don't, the sun soaked days of summer should give your spirits an added lift. Studies show that sunlight can brighten your mood and benefit your health. Sure, it may sound cliche, but a sunny disposition really can make a difference in your life.

So what can you do to start looking on the bright side? Besides catching some rays, you can also try adjusting your way of seeing things. When a situation doesn't turn out as you'd expected, try to see the upside as opposed to the drawbacks. Let's say a movie you want to see is sold out. Instead of getting upset that you can't see that movie, think of it as an opportunity to see a different film you might not have seen otherwise. If you don't get that job offer, believe that something better will come along. If your date doesn't go well, maybe you'll meet someone you're more compatible with the next day.

It'll take some active effort on your part to see the positive, but when you do, you'll be a happier, more satisfied person. So do your best to see the benefits instead of the drawbacks, and you'll find yourself feeling a whole lot sunnier!

For those of you who don't get bombarded with Emode emails.

file under: muses


i wish i could look on the brighter side of things but sometimes it just seems impossible! i guess i'll always be a 'glass half empty' person...

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