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Ordinary Day

Alex finally got me to go to that kareoke bar he's always talking about. It was his birthday yesterday so I decided I might as well go. It's out in St Charles which is a heck of a drive from my house, and on the way there, Leona and I got caught in the lovely traffic jam that stretched from the onramp of 70 past the airport (I know this means nothing to most of you, but rest assured it's a long way). Lots of people wanted to sing. Which is cool. There weren't too many glasses broken because of off-key notes, but there were some doozies smile it's been a very long time since I sang kareoke. I think it must have been back in high school with TREND at the conference, and there were nine other people on stage singing 'Lean on Me.' This time, after waiting two hours, it was just me and Vanessa Carlton's 'Ordinary Day.' I didn't get the prompting at first, so the beginning of the song sounded like crap, but yeah. as long as I closed my eyes it was just like singing to myself wink

So, happy birthday, Alex. I hope you liked it.

Go visit Sara's blog. I just set up Greymatter for her wink And I got my first fansign! Check it out smile

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