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I was doing so well

about not being spoiled for who dies in HP #5. But a girl who signed my guestbook provided a link to her site, which I visited, cause I'm nice like that. She does have a disclaimer on her site that says it contains spoilers for OotP, so I went to close the window, but caught sight of the splash graphic at the top of the page. It said "Tribute to -----" or somesuch, and yep, that's who died. Arrgh. Hon, if you're gonna have spoilers, put the disclaimer *before* the images that spoil! sigh. Although I wonder if this person is really gone. Oh, I know, they say that this one really is out of this world, but it just doesn't seem like it's final to me. I mean, in GoF, the person who dies seems really dead, you know, body on the ground and everything. This time...I don't know. Maybe just wishful thinking.

Finished the fifth book around 10:30 this morning. Only had to read about 30 pages, cause I was up til 2:30 reading. Silly me. I probably could have finished it last night, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was nice to have part of it to read this morning. Went by much quicker than I expected. I figured it would take me four days, at least three, to finish, cause it took me three to read the 4th... but just about two days, that's it. Probably cause I read all day at work on Friday. Good, fast paced, definitely darker. Lots of characters. Some you really love to hate. Glad I got to read it now, but yeah. Definitely waiting to buy the paperback.

Mom had a booth at Heart Hands & Voices today. I think it was a success...I didn't really work it (bad me) I was fletching arrows. All five finished. They're never gonna fly straight, indeed I'd be surprised if they flew at all, but that's not really the point, is it? Two green and three yellow, canon be damned. That's what I had smile oh, if you ever need a quill pen, let me know. I'll cut you one from the many I've got left. Red, blue, some yellow, fake turkey. white or black. Your choice!

Costume check:
Clothing. (Mostly) Done, will have to do if I run out of time.
Vambraces. Done.
Leg Wraps. Done.
Shoulder straps for quiver. Tooled. One needs staining. Attach lower steadying strap, front buckle. Side buckle?.
Belt. Needs tooling. Attach buckles.
Quiver. Peacock painted. Knife case made, needs attaching. Straps!!!
Arrows. Shafts painted, need fletching and cutting to size. Nock. Tips?
Knives. Hafts need cutting, rasping. Cut "blades" and cover with silver tape.
Cape. Done; needs holes for quiver straps.
Pin. Baked, needs pin back.

Sew the gosh-darn clasps on the shirt!

Busy Jen tomorrow.

file under: books , lordoftherings
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