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It's never easy

I found out that instead of the sure lose I was going to have last week in the Wizard's Quest I instead moved onto the Tower. Now, this is the highest level of competition in this particular comp, and I've never made it there before. So I'm happy to be there, even if it is a bit of a fluke that I got there. Now the problem is thus: I had planned on taking a leave of absence this week, as I'll be gone at Comic-Con starting Wednesday. But if you take LOA in the Tower, you drop back down to your team's high-qualify level. So I'm asking everyone nicely to please vote for my site even though I might not be able to return the favor. You can take days off next week. Like I said, it's never easy. And for those of you just stopping by... PLEASE VOTE! just click the link:


I'll love you forever. I know I probably don't have a chance, but at least I'd like to make a showing!

And now onto the slightly less dilemma-ish:

I tried on most of the costume today. Looks alright, I suppose. Wish I had a mannequin so I could have gotten the seams a little closer to my proportions. but eh. whatever. Finished the gosh darn quiver today! And it looks near like what it's supposed to...although getting it on and off isn't the easiest thing to do. The buckles are just a little bit on the small side (no offense to my most wonderful jewelry major cousin Corey who cut them out of nickel for me) so the leather doesn't just slide through. Ah well. There will be plenty of people out there who'll be able to help me out, I'm sure. Started on the "blades" for the white knives, it will be interesting to see if they actually stand up straight. Hopefully. I might have time to make a scabbard or two, we'll see. I only put one set of clasps on the silver frock because you can't see anything else but the one when I'm wearing the whole thing. Might put snaps on so I don't have to wear the whole thing the whole time, but that might be later....

I need to pack. Please dear God let me consolidate well. Please vote. It would make me happy.

file under: lordoftherings
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