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I don't feel like I'm finished

...but for all practical purposes the costume is finished. I keep thinking there's something I'm missing. There probably is, and it's probably not the nagging feeling that I don't have a pouldron. Nor a sword. But I can't think of what I could be missing. I tried it all on tonight, looks rather realistic for all that half of it is synthetic fabric. Dad cut out the knives, they're all bright and shiny and if I remember, I'll "etch" them with my little paint marker. I must always remember that I can make things simpler. Don't rivet when you can tie. I'll need a buddy to help me get the quiver fastened, and hopefully someone can braid my hair. I can try it myself but damned if it doesn't work very well. I'll bring the wig, just in case, but meh.

Need a blank tape to dub "I Feel Pretty" on. I hope it's a funny skit. Not that I really want to make fun of Legolas...but heck. It's not like I'm gonna win Best in Show, but maybe we can make them laugh their pants off...

Please remember to vote. The link is everywhere on the page. I know I won't win anything there, but hey...at least people love me!

I really wish our scanner worked...I'm quite proud of my peacock quiver and leg wraps/vambraces. Hopefully that attention to detail will make people overlook the bad fit. Ah well. Never claimed to be a tailor. Although I have to admit I've got the sewing bug. At least I can thread the needle and make a semi-serviceable buttonhole smile

I want to be in a costume drama. lol. I've got a lot of dreams. I hope I'll be able to write some of my stories while I'm gone. btw, in case I didn't mention it, part III of Decadence is up. It's a bit of a boring part cause it's just background, but hopefully you'll like it anyway. As always, feel free to leave feedback!

and because someone asked:

Does Logolas die in the third movie?

Unless they're doing a major departure from canon, no, Lego doesn't die. He's around plenty long enough for us to drool.

file under: lordoftherings
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