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It's almost like magic

An automatic paper towel dispenser was just installed in most of the bathrooms on the med school campus. Now, normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but the particular dispenser in the bathroom I use is at just the right height that you have to gesture at it rather forcefully to get the sensing mechanism to spit out a towel. Now, call me crazy, but certain times, it seems like this gesture would be perfect if you were casting a spell. Silly, I know. But you wave your hand, and voila! une serviette!

Ok...we've finally gotten to the point where in 24 hours I will be in California. Whew! I can't believe it's finally here. Seems odd that all the work I've been doing over the past year will finally be good for something. Hopefully people like our skit. Sympathy laughs are bad. And I can't wait to see all the famous people! lol. There's me, the Midwesterner, who never sees celebrities in the flesh. And isn't it sad how happy I am that I'll be seeing Pirates again wink Needless to say I'm excited. I wish I could stay longer.

I'm mostly packed. I think. I'll go home and stare at the suitcase for a while to make sure. I've got to get pictures of it...then run out and find a suitable one-hour place to develop them...erm. I still haven't decided...wig? hmm.

Don't forget to vote for ATTS today smile please? Thankee kindly!

file under: celebration


Have fun in the Comic-Con hun :kiss: Pictures, aiight?

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