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well, I'm here

in lovely San Diego for Comic-Con. I can't believe we're actually here. It seems odd that after so long of talking about it that it's finally being done. Preview night was last night, there looks like there's some great stuff there. Can't wait to see celebrities smile

I'm really tired, which isn't so odd, but my contacts did something to my eyes so that it hurts to have them open for too long. Or at least the left eye. So I can see out of one eye...I should get an eyepatch before we see Pirates tonight. lol. We'll meet up with another Arrow for dinner and the movie smile

We did decide to get internet access, which is grand. I don't understand why I have to clean out hundreds of spam messages...stupid spam. why do people do it? bleh.

I did a bad thing and didn't arrange how to meet up with the person I'm doing the skit with. sigh. I don't even know where she's staying or what the name of her booth is or what her last name is...meh. there could be trouble then. eek. what if I had to do it by myself? and what if my eyes aren't ok for the blue contacts, or any contacts for that matter? yesh. I'm not going to worry about that right now because I'm going to take a nap. Maybe when I wake up everything will be better.

file under: lordoftherings , reallife


i can't believe i still haven't seen pirates of the caribbean yet! hopefully this weekend. and wow, i wish i was in san diego! hope you have a good time. lovely layout by the way. cheers!

all weekend I've been thinking hmm Lammy and Jen are at Comicon..lol. I hope you're having fun. And I promise to vote religiously from now on.

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