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There are only a few of you out there that know this, but my uncle has cancer. He didn't find out for sure until about a month ago when his stomach felt so bad he couldn't eat. By the time they checked it the cancer was very advanced (stage IV) and had spread to other areas. He's fighting it as he can, but they can't do surgery. I think he was going to have chemotherapy but I'm not sure there weren't some complications with that as well.

But we got a call this morning that he'd been rushed to the hospital last night because he felt so sick...and he's still there. I don't know what's happening because callous as it sounds, I had to get to work. My cousin is staying home from school today. My mom was crying on the phone.

I don't know what to do, how to feel. I don't want to think of him dying, because that would be pessimistic and I try not to be. I want him to stay with us. His family needs him...we need him. But I don't want to be totally unprepared for shock. People don't die in our family...at least, no one I'm close to has yet. I don't want a trend to start. Prayer is a good place to start, I suppose. But then I get into that 'am I right with God' feeling that always makes me uncomfortable. Sheesh. I don't think there's a comfortable way to feel about this.

He got those tickets to the Lion King because he was working for someone who found out he was sick. Usually I love irony, but not this much.

file under: reallife , serious


in january my grandma died from stomach cancer that had also spread. it was the first time someone whom i'd been close to had died and it still seems surreal. i hope that your uncle gets better and is younger, so will be able to fight it better.

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