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Although why he was at the site I'll never know...

Was he just looking around for old links? I don't know quite why people visit the site and then criticize it without looking to see if the error was fixed. Whatever. Thanks to Jay who pointed out that *both* the lyrics and the translation for Imana Nushif, the original song from the Children of Dune soundtrack, are wrong. Of course, you have to note that the post in question was from just after the show aired and no one had proper lyrics yet...much less the site I borrowed them from. Eh. Still a good song. From Brian Tyler : Children Of Dune

Inama Nushif, Music and Lyrics by Brian Tyler

Inama nushif (She is eternal)

Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)

Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)

Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound)

Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)

Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)

Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)

Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)

Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)

Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)

Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)

Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)

Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)

Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)

Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)

Al hudad alman dali (one that cannot be equaled)

Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)

Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)

Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)

Al hudad alman dali alia (that Alia will one day equal)

Inama nushif (She is eternal)

Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)

Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)

Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound)

I repeat, I did not make the earlier translation, I knew it was written in the fiction language of Fremen from the Dune books, I know the composer did all the male vocals and world percussion, etc etc. Stop correcting me on this one!

file under: movies , music


i feel as if i'm the only person who doesn't know of children of dune is... lol, why was that guy so uptight about some lyrics on your site? heh, weird.

Thank you for posting these! And please ignore any criticism. They are probably just jealous that they didn't think to post them before you did :)

Inama Nushif!

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