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I know I shouldn't be disappointed, but...

come on, you have to admit it would be cool to see all the LotR movies together on one day on the big screen. But alas, I would have had to get the info earlier in the day and actually bought tickets. I've noticed this about myself...I'm good at wavering on decisions until the decision is made for me. Meh. I'll just have to find myself a big screen and watch the EE's on dvd (which will be out at the time) or see the special engagements of each movie separately. Rats. I let things slip through my fingers. Ah well. It's money I didn't need to spend, I suppose.

rant: if there's enough people to get the screening sold out, where the hell are they??? I find it amazing that I've never met any of them out there. Meh. end rant

Hi Alex! Now you don't have to worry about people laughing at us.

file under: lordoftherings
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