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People asked...I answer. sort of.

Q: What's the highest mountain in Ireland? A: According to Ireland - EnchantedLearning.com, the highest point in Ireland is Carrauntoohil, which is 3,414 feet (1,041 m) tall. Carrauntoohil is located in southwestern Ireland, near Killarney.

Q: Where is Legolas' dress up game? A: I'm assuming you mean the one at the Orlando Bloom Files...? At any rate, that's the only thing I can think of...

Q: Merry Christmas in Chinese? A: If you mean the translation, here it is:

Sing Dan Fae Lok (Cantonese) or Shen Dan Kuai Le (Mandarin)

And whoever asked about 1975 pop culture...I wasn't alive then, so I'm probably not the best person to expound about high points of the hippie age...talk to your mother.

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