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Superbowl Hangover; and Primary Issues

Or at least that's what they called it on the radio yesterday. If you know me you know I'm not a big football fan, but the Superbowl game was pretty darn lively. Poor CBS...the Janet/Justin breast-bare, the second-half streaker, and Richard Hatch's tush on Survivor...not exactly family-friendly...although I didn't mind. At least it was entertaining. And once again the team I was sort of rooting for, though they made a wonderful attempt, lost. Yes, even though the Carolina Panthers beat the hometown Rams in the NFC I still cheered for the blue and white. That was even before I remembered that Vinatutu or whatever the jerk's name is and the Pats beat us a few years ago. Whatever. I had to go with the fact that I love panthers/cougars the animals...since I didn't have a better reason to cheer for one team or the other.

And now for something completely different:

Today is the Missouri Primary for the presidential election. While you can rest assured that I will vote Democrat (remember how my mother said she'd rather vote for a monkey than have Dubya in the white house again), I'm not sure which Dem I'll choose. I've got it narrowed to two: John Edwards and John Kerry. I think I like Edwards better...he's younger and seems a little bit more optimistic and 'for the people' but Kerry seems to have better electability. He takes more of a hard-line stance on the issues, which I guess is good. He doesn't seem quite as much of a people-person as Edwards. They've both got good sounding plans, but there are pros and cons to each. I feel bad because I really wasn't up on the issues before yesterday...I mean, I knew that they were running but I didn't even see campaign commercials for anyone but Edwards. I feel like I should be better about knowing the issues. And I wonder if I'm really gonna vote tonight. I should, because it's important, but I worry that since there's such a glut of candidates that it's going to be split among them all and we'll end up with Howard-YEEEEEAAAAAGGGGGH-Dean up against Bush, and I'd really rather not vote for him. But, recall the monkey. Yeah.

My mom mentioned that the big ticket would be Kerry for president and Edwards for VP. That could very well rule, and let's hope that things work out that way. I sort of miss the Clinton-Bush 1992 race...we had to do an eighth-grade civics class project on it, and I was so happy that Clinton won...even made a last minute entry on election day showing early returns. On very few things do I like or even want to be political on, but we just can't be a GOP-controlled country anymore.

So here's my stump: Vote today (if you have to, or vote whenever you have to), an' if it please ye, vote Democrat. This country really can't take another four years of Bush. And if you'd like to know more about my two top candidates, check out :: John Kerry for President - 100 Days to Change America :: and John Edwards: Reak Solutions for America. Your country will thank you.

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