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I got a new mouse today

Not a live mouse, silly, a computer mouse. It's a Logitech optical mouse which makes me happy, though I think something was messed up originally so the comp was being a little wacky. And (mostly) unrelated to that, some of you might have noticed the site being down a bit in the last few days. This is because I was trying to use a referring script that was working for a while and then suddenly stopped...so I played with the htaccess for the main directory but alas apparently I can't do that anymore.

Those of you who have changed hosting providers...what's your experience been like? I think I'd really like to change providers and I'll probably go with Moll's, Surpass but I'm not sure. Anyone have good ideas? I've still got a few months with my current host, so I'm not concerned, yet...what does concern me is that apparently while I own my domain, I can't administer it. I think this is because I bought the domain through my host, so they set it up...but in order to keep my domain name if I transfer hosts I'll have to change things and I hope my current host won't bitch about changing if I do decide to change. I should...I'd get more room, more bandwidth, for about the same price. Eh. I guess we'll see.

ATTENTION! The Aspire Exchange is all new! I totally redid the layout, but no one's joined recently so there's not too much to do with content. I thought about switching to a PHP banner exchange to automate signups but when I tried to install it weird things happened. So it's still a javascript exchange...if you have a button, or you'd like to make you a button so you can join, please please visit the link above and sign up! Thank you smile

Apt. update: for those of you who didn't already know, we got a couch for the apartment! It's old and used and didn't have proper cushions but we fixed that. We got a slipcover that didn't fit, then a slipcover that had water stains, then the proper size. Yahoo Target. Yeah. So now hopefully Leo will watch more movies with me wink I'm such a lazy bum. All sorts of other things I could be doing... but I have all these movies to watch! I've been a bad girl and spent lots of money at Borders and Best Buy on good dvds...good news is that I should get a pretty nice tax refund. Bad news is it should all go into my savings account so I don't spend it! Money for grad school anyone?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE!!!! I need all the help I can get this week. Vote links are under each post or on the sidebar...thank you thank you big grin

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