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Wow, his face is huge

Happy Birthday, Leo!
She's so young :( Saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (again :) ) with my mom last night at the OMNIMAX theater at the Science Center. I never thought I would see HP more than I saw Troy! Ha. I'll still probably try to see Troy again in theaters but I have to say HP was more fun. I wouldn't even mind seeing it again. I've decided that I like seeing movies more than once IF I LIKE THE SOUNDTRACK. This lets me figure out exactly which parts of music correspond to which parts of the movie, and I can practically relive the movie in my mind when I hear the music. Maybe that's just me, the odd soundtrack freak.

Anyway, if you didn't know, the OMNIMAX is an IMAX theater which basically shows movies on a huge, wraparound screen. It's a little disconcerting if you don't know what to expect, but the sound is WONDERFUL! I love being in that theater, it's sort of like your own private place because the seats are set on levels far enough apart that you don't see anyone else (when you're looking up, of course ;) ) I did manage to kick some guy in the head accidentally, because unfortunately we were in a row where my feet were on a level with his head in the next row down. Most of the rows aren't like that; I was just lucky.

I'm glad I saw it on a regular screen...there are actually quite a lot of shots where the action is to the side, and with the huge screen you really have to turn your head to see it, instead of just your eyes. That got to be a bit annoying. I don't guess I've noticed it on previous IMAX viewings, but those were only an average of 40 minutes long ;) HP needed to be longer. There's more they could have put into it. Maybe they're just storing up for HP 4 ;) Yay Goblet of Fire! And when is Order of the Phoenix ever coming out in paperback?

Btw, you can check out the Aspire Bookshelf and see some of the books I enjoy...there'll be a better navigation system soon, that's very much a work in progress. Yay books!

file under: movies
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