Happy Birthday, Harry! and Bourne again
Yes, it is indeed Harry Potter's birthday. And yes, I know he's a fictional character, but gosh darnit he's one of my favorites. And I know I'm a little late, as it's already tomorrow in Britain and nearly tomorrow here, but it's the thought that counts, right? Here's a little quickie I whipped up for my favorite boy wizard:
Incidentally it's also HP author JK Rowling's 39th birthday. Hmm. Wonder how she picked that date for her protagonist? I can't wait for the Order of the Phoenix to come out in paperback on the 10th of august....maybe I'll actually make it to a release party for this one. Maybe not. I find it strange that they didn't try to release it around HP's birthday like they did for GoF, but that's publisher's perogative I guess.
Saw the Bourne Supremacy with Ross last night. It was a fun movie, and the theater was nearly full even though it was the second weekend of release, so yay for Bourne. I thought it was good, probably better than the first, if a little more convoluted. They had you going 'huh?" for quite a bit in the beginning, trying to figure out who's killing whom and why, but the action sequences were great. Two car chases, wow. And I have to say, Karl Urban looked so much better in this one than in Chronicles of Riddick
Two LotR alums in BS, actually...Bourne meets up with an assassin buddy of old and lo and behold it's Marton Csokas or however you spell his last name, aka Celeborn-the-elf-of-the-few-words-and-husband-of-Galadriel. Also known as the anarchy-advocating rebel of xXx. and wtf! Marie!?! sigh. either there's not going to be a sequel (which is stupid considering the aforementioned full theater), or they're just going to invent it out of the whole cloth, being as they changed most of the plot of the second book. Oh, I know the first one wasn't really like the book, stripped down, etc, and the books are infinitely better than the movies, but still. I admit I haven't finished the second book and maybe there are more elements that I'm not aware of that they did include in the movie, but it sure seemed like they were veering off on their own tangent. That's ok, I guess. Books are good when they can stand on their own. Ah well.
Ross and I talked...alot. I'm amazed at the breadth of the topics we discussed. Problem is I'm not all that good at discussion, what with not having too many strongly-held beliefs, whereas Ross is going to (Wash U, natch) law school in the fall. But it was interesting nonetheless. It's fun to have conversations ranging from religion to politics to school to weather to old ladies cursing. And I had my first mocha Kalhua freeze (yes, a coffee drink!). I never drink coffee of any type (the smell used to make me sick, really) but it wasn't bad. Mostly the bitterness was covered up by the mocha
And I believe Ross when he says he isn't normally a bad driver. He just happened to have some bad directions
And Tim Schneider (my crush from middle school/highschool and the hs salutitorian) and his wife just had twin boys, so congrats to them. Apparently they were nine weeks early so send some prayers and well wishes their way!
Guess I better get this in before midnight, and finish my dinner. Toodles...
thanks for the comment on my site ;] i like your domain. how do you pronounce the domain name, though? i wasn't sure. anyway, hp and LoTR rock!
Posted by: john | August 1, 2004 6:52 PM