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Why is it even an issue?

In LKH's Blog she talks about the amendment against gay marriage, which I think is a stupid idea in the first place...how can the government (or even just the representative of the people, as Ross put it) regulate WHO WE LOVE???? Anyway, LKH puts it better than I can. Me of the not so strong opinions. All I know is that if the Republicans or similar conservatives take control in the next election there will be no chance of me being able to work with stem cells because they'll just flat out ban it. And not that I have very many gay friends but they won't be happy if it passes and that makes me sad. And maybe it overgeneralizes things a bit, but stupid republicans. I don't like them. Normally. I keep seeming to find guys that tend toward that side though. Alas.

I still haven't decided if I'm going to vote tomorrow...I guess I will, it's relatively important what with choosing a governor and the silly 'misleading' Amendment 1 to put a casino down south in Rockaway Beach...and the lovely Amendment 2:

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended so that to be valid and recognized in this state, a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman?

Seems so simple, doesn't it? But so pervasive. Ugh. I should vote. Why oh why do they think this is right? I guess my democratic colors are showing.

I'll shut up now. I love it when I sound like I have an opinion, but I'm terribly uncomfortable talking about it. Blah. Go vote. Tomorrow. Here's a list of the Missouri ballot issues. Be informed, lord knows I'm not.

file under: politics


You ought to change your polling address. We could walk to the polling place. It's at the school that we pass sometimes when we walk east over the bridge over the Metrolink tracks. I wonder how early the polls open... I'd like to walk over there tomorrow morning before work.

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