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So I HAVE to go to England...

UK Scientists Allowed to Clone Human Embryos
. They want to use them for stem cell research. Please please let Kerry be elected so he can repeal the stem cell line ban like he said he would. So many people could be helped by the repealing of the ban that it's just stupid to keep it in place. Shoot, if the wife of a Republican president comes out in support of stem cells there is no reason for having that ban out there.

*ahem* sorry about the soapbox.

Go vote for me, please??? Links below the post!

Have now lots of fabric and patterns and have to figure out the best way to maximise the loads of fabric that I got so I can get the most costumes out of it. Will be winging a pattern or two, which is always the most fun...too bad Corey hasn't said anything about the second sewing machine...why oh why couldn't it have come earlier when she was in town? I've got this nice desk just waiting for use and I'd love to use it for something other than organic chemistry before my class starts in three weeks. Blah.

maybe someday things will go my way

{ETA: Eek! Didn't realize it was Eric Bana's birthday on the 10th... Happy birthday Hector ;) He really is quite hot. Just not quite as hot as his (wimpily played movie brother) Orli. Or Ioan, aka Lancelot in King Arthur. Finally got the KA and Spidey 2 sdtks as I mentioned...the KA one really kicks ass. It's loud and fun and reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean which is not unusual as it's by the same group of people. Yay good movie music. Makes every movie better. Let's hope for a better version of KA when it comes out on dvd.}

file under: thoughts


England's not so bad, I'd imagine.

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