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Harry Potter related ramblings

Celtic Astrology. My tree is The Hazel

IN LOVE with the Shoebox Project, a fan recreation of the Marauder's Era at Hogwart's. Yes, another HP obsession. But it's illustrated, and funny to boot! If you don't like HP you'll be confused, but you could still gush at the good writing. I love Moony.

file under: webetcetera


thank you for introducing me to the Shoebox Project! it's wonderful! lately i've become an avid Draco/Ginny shipper but the first ship that i ever read was Remus/Sirius =)

thank you for introducing me to the Shoebox Project! it's wonderful! lately i've become an avid Draco/Ginny shipper but the first ship that i ever read was Remus/Sirius =)

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