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Weddings; melancholie; fangirl moment

So, Julie Nollmann's wedding was last night. She's now Julie Elder. It's always sweet to find out that the couple has been together a long time...apparently they knew each other from high school and have been dating all through college...Julie is the younger sister of one of my life-long friends, Jennifer (yes, another Jenny) and I never really did stuff with her that wasn't with Jennifer as well, since most of those things were Girl Scouts-related or such...but she's a nice person and Matt (everyone seems to be getting married to Matthews lately) seems like a very good guy and they looked so happy together. Many best wishes and congratulations to the Elders.

I had a good time dancing at the reception afterwards, but there's just something to seeing your name+ guest on the namecard and not having a guest. Oh, I could have called some people I suppose but it just seems strange to invite someone you don't see that often to a wedding. maybe I'm a prude. more likely I'm just scared. And seeing the couples there...it's hard. I get pretty lonely. Quite a few of my friends have gotten married or engaged recently and my mom keeps asking me why I don't call so and so. I guess it just really raises my hackles when someone tries matchmaking with me...I don't like it, but I know that it's probably the only way I'll meet someone...just...don't tell me that I should go do something with someone because I'll be stubborn. Character flaw I guess.

But on a lighter note, if you thought you'd heard the last of LotR stuff you are so wrong. Here's a spoiler-filled preview of what you can expect on the RotK special extended edition, coming out in time for christmas...Detailed ROTK Special Edition Spoilers! :: RingBearer.org :: J.R.R. Tolkien fan community It makes me happy. More LotR is good.

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