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Birthday girl

So you say it's your birthday...

Yes folks it's true, I've achieved the ripe old age of 24. Just a penny short of a quarter-life crisis. We're going to dinner tonight at the Olympia restaurant, you know, Greek food in honor of the Olympics being held in Greece...then maybe we'll head out to the City Museum, after I check in at REI and sign up for the Moonlight Ramble. At least Alex will go. Why does no one around here want to go biking?

On the Today Show this morning there was someone with a sign that said "Happy Birthday Jenni" (close enough) and a guy who Al Roker introduced as having a birthday today (just one of the crowd). Yay! Us 8-27'ers are cool. Right, Dave-of-the-fellow-birthday?

For something completely difference, I've wanted to do a portrait of Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter for a while now, but didn't have enough motivation until the fanart contest came up at Hogwarts Challenge...might've submitted too late since I thought the deadline was noon today instead of midnight last night, ah well. At least it's done. And finished on my birthday to boot.

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

And you can see my attempt at Orli as a character from my story if you check out the next page...

listening to  The Calling: Things Will Go My Way

file under: celebration


http://17.etoiline.com/jenn.jpg happy 24th! btw, terrific dan pic.

Hey, it's erin from stlpotterfans. I just wanted to tell you that you have a great site and, apparently, you live in my neighborhood-ish. I live in Shrewsbury, right down McCausland from Olympia. Trippy.

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