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grrr. argh.

oh my goodness oh my goodness. I know I'm really behind in this, but I just watched the series finale of Angel and HOW COULD THEY END IT THAT WAY!?!?!?! I mean, it was good and nice to see how some loose ends got tied up, and some characters came back for one last bit, but *lip tremble* WHYYYYY??? sniff. I really liked what they did with it this last season, it was a new direction for the show and of course the wB closed it down. Stupid wB. Someone once pointed out that if I hate what the wB does so much I should boycott them (I think this was after they cancelled Tarzan after only half a season). But they still had Angel and Smallville (which I also finally watched the season finale), and I still really like those types of shows. Sigh. Show what people want to watch, not what makes money. Yeah right. Like that's going to happen. Unfortunately for Smallville's finale I was a little spoiled on things that happened in the end which I wish I hadn't been, but we'll see if that's really the way things turned out.

I miss Buffy and Angel. And Roswell, of course. One of these days I'm actually going to get the first season of Buffy so I can see slayer/vampire romance again, haha. And one of these days I'll get to watch the eps from the fifth/sixth/seventh season that I never did get to watch. And I'll find out what happened in that mondo wierd second/third season of Angel when I totally missed most of the season. One of these days. When I can spare an extra $60 for each set. Yeah. Sorry for the fangirly-ness of the post...just had to get that out. Farewell Angel. We shall miss thee.

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