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Way to make a gal feel old

Born Before 1986? Then You Are......OLD! And here's proof.

Gee thanks. Amazing to think that kids born in 1986 are now entering college...they're only six years younger but still. They seem so young! Some of the stuff on the list is really funny but thought-provoking.

Speaking of thought provoking, who wants to visit Milan? 'Da Vinci Code' Readers Flock to Milan's Last Supper. I shouldn't be suprised that the Da Vinci Code is still at the top of the bestseller lists...it's really interesting the things that it brings up. And it in turn makes you hungry for more of the same...hence me actually buying a hardback copy (gasp!) of because I'm just that interested in it. Waiting for RoF to get better...it's still pretty good but haven't quite made it to the actual mystery plot yet. Soon, my pretty. And since Amazon was so obliging and told me I might like it too: I'll have to see if the library has a copy of . Yay library. *side note: the library does. whoo hoo.*

The stuff after this is just to remind me of places to go.

American Sewing Guild
Costume Society of America
Costume-Con which St. Louis will be hosting in 2007...

I need more friends into sewing.

file under: miscellany


Don't I know it. My sister was born in 1986!

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