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Wow. Yesterday was loooong. I was at work for 12 hours. Yuck. It's not entirely my fault, but on the other hand it is. See, I knew I was in for a long assay, but I didn't think it would be quite that long. And the person who was supposed to find the samples for me ended up not being able to do it, so once we established that, I had to go find the samples myself, which took longer than expected (of course). Then I had to wait for them to thaw, dilute them, acidify and neutralize them, and then, right about 1 pm, I was able to get started on the assay, which was 6.5 hours minus time to put in reagents and wash the plate and such. Ugh. All that plus having to go over to the CRC twice because I thought I would try going early just in case they were ready and I could get those bloods spun before I had to start the ELISA but noooo, they hadn't drawn them yet. Just about every other day they would have been ready but I'm just lucky that way. Eventually got them later, but I really hate making that trip. It's not that far away but it's up three flights of steep stairs with orange railings. Not sure that the orange railings really have anything to do with it, it just always makes me feel like I'm in some back alley.

Now, here's the part where it's my fault. Theoretically I could have just stuck the plate in the cold room and come back to do the rest of the assay today...or incubate it for three hours and finish the thing last night. I chose finishing it, since we've never actually tried out the cold room tactic. And Luigi pointed out that if I stayed late yesterday I could leave early today, which I will do, as soon as I make my trip to the CRC for more bloods. I'll be sure to wait an appropriate interval today.

So yeah. A bit boring while I waited and waited and muzzily came back to life when my stopwatch alarmed, telling me it was time for the next step. I played a lot of MSN games and chatted with Alex and should have brought my Orgo homework but didn't (and probably wouldn't have done it anyway). Didn't do any hogwartsch lessons either. I'm terrible. Read some of in my free time and made some bookmarks which I need to resize and maybe then I'll put them up on the gallery for your taking. Dunno. Working on it.

There's some sort of athletic field rededication at my high school tonight and they're honoring past athletes, so I guess I'll go. Wonder who will show up. The St. Louis Balloon Glow is tonight, and it follows that the Balloon Race is tomorrow, which is always fun to see. And also tomorrow my next-door neighbor Laura is getting married, which means that I've been to three weddings this year, and Alex points out that this is a lot. I guess so...there's another wedding that I know of next year, but really, we're reaching the sum total of my friends who could possibly get married. Whatever.

ugh. just realized I have to go into work next saturday. ah well. Guess it's time to head over to the CRC. Lovely. Then time to go...must remember to drop off the library book!

listening to  John Mayer: Daughters

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