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Incubus Dreams

On a random note, I finally have my name on the roomnumber panel outside my 'office.' How lovely. I feel all official.

So yeah...the 12th book came out on Tuesday, and I broke my rule of 'buy no hardback books ' for it. Laurell K Hamilton's books are good enough that I'll do that with no qualms. Also, it's 15% off b/c it's a new bestseller, AND I get 10% off for being a member of Waldenbooks. So it's not a terribly bad price. People grew up in this book, in more ways than one. And there was lots of sex. Yeah. Threesomes. Wow. Feels weird to even think that I read it. But it's so much fun! Vampires and werewolves and funky power mishmash. Some people are critisizing her later works because they feel rushed and unedited. This one did seem that way (come on, it's 'retched' as in tossing your cookies not 'wretched' like that poor little homeless kid over there) but I think the story made up for it. I wouldn't want to rush anyone writing, I know how hard it is...but I want my authors to take the time to make things right. All I know is I'm glad I'm easy-going enough to take things in stride so I can enjoy the overall picture. Or focus on the hot guys taking over Anita's life. Bottom line: the book was HUGE (200 pages longer than her last) and fun and worth it. Even if she believes in commas a little too much.

Too bad I missed the signing for the book the day it came out...not only was it the day after my first orgo exam, so all I wanted to do was sleep when I got home from work, it was also the day of a meeting for the Writer's group that I hope I can be a part of, especially if I'm going to try to do NaNoWriMoin a month...but it was also a rehearsal for the Affton School District 150th anniversary Drama Alumni revue. So I get to (sort of) be in a musical again. It's not like we're going to be acting or anything, just singing some popular (and not so popular) selections from musicals that the High School has done over the years. I've only been in oneof the performances at the school and another in show choir in college, and I know of a couple more, but it's a really eclectic mix. Of course they can't please everyone, I just think some of the other songs from some of the musicals would be better choices...ah well. And I realized that as much as I like modern musicals, I haven't heard/seen quite a few of the more popular ones, like Fiddler on the Roof or Hello, Dolly! Or Anything Goes...etc etc. At least we get to sing America from West Side Story.

We're only going to have one rehearsal a month until December or January (the show is in January) so we'll see how it goes. One of the songs they chose from 'my' years in high school worked wonderfully as the duet that it's meant to be in the show, and they were hoping to get the leads who sang in that show to do this one, but they haven't showed up at practice. Apparently this month's rehearsal was the second one, and they only realized that I was still in town after I showed up at the track/football field rededication. I guess that's a good thing...it was so weird to be back in the choir room, learning music. Been a long time, and things have definitely changed. All of my schools seem quite different than what they had been when I was there. I guess it's that one constant: Change.

Thank goodness it's the weekend. BTW, I passed my first orgo exam. Now we'll have to see how much the curve is blown during the rest of the semester, and whether I can pull my ass out of B-/C+ territory. Pray for me.

Oh, and tomorrow, I'm welcoming prospective roommates at the apartment, with Kate along for moral support. Thanks Kate. Pray that I meet someone nice, and that it's not a tough decision between mediocre applicants. Wish me luck!

listening to  Delirious?: White Ribbon Day

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