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I'll show you a rearranged carbocation

WARNING: This is a reconstruction of a rant about Organic Chemistry, since (OF COURSE) IE decided to 'unexpectedly quit' on my after I had a really long one written, just before I had saved it...ugh! Feel free to skip it, I doubt there is much of import in it to anyone but me.

[ETA: Page 7. Hi Nile!]

Orgo + Jen = stress, not a lot of time to write, and a need to let off some steam. I really hate orgo. I am so scared right now, I have a test on wednesday and I know that I am not prepared for it. I haven't even finished the homework yet, because I really need to ask some questions about it, and I'm scared to ask the teacher because I'm stupid like that, and I don't know anyone else in class except Eileen who is ten times smarter than me. (How's that for a run-on?) I should have followed up on that Cornerstone thing, which is apparently the new tutoring system at WU...maybe I'll be able to get a 'mentor' before Wednesday night.

I hate that orgo is sucking up all my time like some educational vacuum. I'm already two weeks behind on my tv shows because of it, which I know is a stupid thing to be worried about, but I like my vices, thankyouverymuch. I didn't finish a book in three weeks because of it. (And re: the book...no one had checked it out in A YEAR before I requested it...and of course, the time I don't finish the book in time, someone else requested it. Just one person. So when they've finished, I'll get it back, but for heaven's sake. Irony. My life. I shouldn't be suprised.) I'm not making up an outline for NaNoWriMo because of it. I will be disappointed if I don't 'win' NaNo (aka write the required 50,000 words) because of it, but I have to keep telling myself to be realistic and remember that I will have at least one test during the month. I didn't get to spend time with Leo, who moved out this weekend, because of it. Hi Leo! I hope you like Champaign...I'll miss you.

Yeah, so I shall have a new roomie at the end of the month, Olga, who is from Colombia (the country in South America, not the city in the middle of Missouri) and works at SLU. Which means that I'll be alone in the apartment for two weeks...sigh. It'll be quiet here. It was weird, Leo stopped by today to pick up her car and leave the keys. How final. If her room's door is open, footsteps echo from the kitchen. It's a bit spooky. I don't think I'm meant to live alone, though it seems I'm going to be that way for some time. Roommate or guy wise. Ugh.

On one hand I can't wait for next month when I can start writing for NaNo but on the other it freaks me out because I know I'm heading for heartache, if only because I won't be able to write when I know I should be doing homework. Mom told me last night she wished I would write more. I try, but there's always something else I should be doing. But it makes me happy, which is probably why I actually sat down and tried to recreate this entry. I just got online to see if Luigi had sent me the template for tomorrow's ELISA (which I forgot to make up, as far as I could, last week) so I wouldn't have to rush quite so much tomorrow morning, but here I am, writing the mother of all entries...I really hate it when he gets so fired up that we must get assays run as soon as possible, even if it's on a day when I have class...I always feel so stressed out. Even if the assay has long incubation times...I'll get so engrossed in doing something else that when the alarm goes off to start the next step I'm startled and have trouble pulling my mind back to science. Hopefully tomorrow whatever I'm engrossed in will be organic chemistry and not the new layout for ATTS that I have planned. Bad Jen did the art on Thursday and a lot of the coding on Friday and will have to wait to do anything more until Thursday next, when this damn orgo test is over. Pray for me, will you? I'm freaked out about it, especially when the last test was borderline ok. Mom wants me to get A's. She's so confident in me, and I know I will let her down. I don't want to, but if I keep typing this entry I know I will. So I will bid you adieu and work for another half hour and wake up late, as usual, and try to hurry to work so I won't be late for class. Good Lord, help me out here.

listening to  Chasing Furies: Thicker; Skillet: Locked in a Cage; Nichole Nordeman: Wide Eyed

file under: rants


Wow! The course sounds difficult.... hope it calms some so you can at least relax. Champaign.....Illinois? Well, sorry to hear about him leaving...surely it will be not so homey....but I know you will manage. :)

Colombia...not Columbia...hehehe. Very cool. Olga comes from a very beautiful country....that it is a shame they are in their own civil war, government againtst FARC, the leftist faction (aka terrorist group, tagged by Bush).

I went there is 2000.... she could tell you a lot of stuff about her country that is interesting.... well, at least to me...I am a travel maniac.

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