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freaked out now.

A bit of page 7: GOOOOO CARDS!!!!

and: Kids Pick Kerry to be the next president. And they've been right the last four times. How uplifting.

Wish Me Luck! Please! Pray! I need all the help I can get!

Yeah. So, Orgo test tonight. Freaking out. Would like to do better than on last test so I could be solidly in an upper grade than the lower, and don't want to disappoint anyone, namely Mother, who is so darn confident in me I just hate to say I did badly. I don't want to do badly, but there's that realistic voice shouting at the back of my head, you will fail. Where did that come from? I used to be confident in my test taking skills, I was smart enough to figure things out, and suddenly now I'm not. How did I prepare for tests back in high school when I hardly ever got anything below an A? I hate not feeling prepared but then I hate studying. I'm just screwed.

I just wish I was able to channel the same single-minded determination to studying organic chemistry like I can to reading, or writing, or drawing, or anything I like. Had a few ideas for my NaNo story last night, of course. Thank you Lauren for telling me about teh music.

Right, so I was going to tell you how this day has been stressful...

so I stayed up late last night 'studying' (with the attendant procrastination tactics, of course) and sometime during the night, the LCD screen on my cd player decided to not light up anymore. But the rest of it works. Does anyone see an unwelcome trend here with things I own not lighting up properly (re: the watch I'm currently wearing decided it wouldn't let the Indiglo part of the light work, but everything else does...) This stressed me out, even if it's a small thing. I don't want to have to get a new stereo. I didn't get enough sleep (OF COURSE), so when the alarm went off, I hit snooze...and somehow missed the next one. And it didn't go off again...so I slept for an extra 45 minutes. Which was probably good for my body, but bad for my mind, since I woke up and freaked out that I was almost late for work. Which isn't terrible since I didn't have anything that HAD to start at 9 am, but I would have liked to have been done earlier. Anyway.

Then there was traffic. Ugh. And they've blocked off a good portion of the lot that I park on so I had to go all the way down to the boonies to get a spot. Ugh. So when I finally get to work (lugging the heavy backpack with the stupid orgo text and solutions manual inside) I got right to work, but it was so hard to get into the 'work' frame of mind. I guess I got there. Eventually. Then I tried to study during my time off...which sort of worked, except I kept finding things I didn't remember. Ugh. And I almost got to leave really early, but Luigi wanted me to find some samples. So now that you've read through this really long entry it's going to stop abruptly so I can go study and cram as many homework examples into my head as possible in two hours. Wish me luck.

listening to  Dave Matthews Band: Two Step

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