Go Crazy, Folks, Go Crazy!
I luff my hostee Sara. Yay for Californians cheering for the Cards!
Cardinals at Boston, Saturday. I really want a Cardinals shirt now. Sweet! The hometown team is going for the whole show. Rock on, Redbirds! I guess I avoided the 'no watch and they win' bit tonight since the AHS drama rehearsal was tonight and they 'happened' to have a tv in the room, so it was on while we were singing. I was holding my music up in front of my face so I wouldn't stare at the screen. I saw the replay of Edmond's (ouch!) diving catch that probably saved the game (and was incidentally the cover photo of the early edition Post-Dispatch that was printed up sometime around the 7th inning, before they knew we'd won. I love that my dad works for the newspaper. You learn the most interesting things.) and I was the only one who noticed that we got that first one. Not so good for 'not watching the game,' eh? lol.
But I guess it was a good thing the rehearsal was tonight, even if they decided that we really do need weekly practices instead of just monthly if we're going to be the slightest bit ready for this celebration, even if they decided to do every other tuesday/thursday so I'll miss more tv (I know, I know, tv should not be so important to me, but hey, it's not like I've got anywhere else to go, so I've gotten attached to it...), even if they want to have the next rehearsal this coming tuesday when I was finally going to get to go to a Writer's Meetup before NaNoWriMo started (which I think I'll go to anyway, just because I really do need to get whatever kind of jumpstart on the 'novel' that I can, and I already know how to sing "America" from West Side Story), but I got to go home and 'watch' the last few innings of the game with the 'rents. My dad is so happy. He really gets into the games, and I know how much he would like to go to one in the stadium, especially since Busch is being torn down this year...*sniff* Tickets were something on the order of $125 for bleacher seats. Ugh. Would be cool to go though. Unfortunately I don't trust my record of watching games to even think about jinxing a World Series game. Superstitious? Who, me?
I realized that I don't think I've ever had a Cardinals jersey, and I'm about at my limit of red shirts, although my mom pointed out that I still have a Fredbird head that I suppose I could wear if I wanted to freak out my coworkers (Apparently I went through a phase when I was three or four when I absolutely loved Fredbird, the Cardinal mascot. And my mom [whom I love] made me a Fredbird costume. I worry about myself sometimes). I really want a Cards jersey now, perhaps Rolen (27, my favorite number!) or Pujols (5...that vision of Pujols really pulled through! For those of you who don't know, my dad is a very accomplished artist who did a painting of Pujols for an art show recently. It was really good.
) or Edmonds (15, after that spectacular catch). But I'd settle for one of those Band of Sluggers shirts.
Heh. I didn't even realize it, but this morning, I chose to wear RED SOCKS (or at least white athletic socks with a red puma) instead of my blue socks of the same type...and the Cards are going on to play the RED SOX...
It had to have been the rally beads. And the hot dogs that my dad made. And me not watching. I'm so proud of my hometown team. GO CARDS!
I guess I should get to bed. Even though it seems like it should be a friday night, it's only friday morning, and I have to be at work in eight hours. Sheesh. See you on the flip side. Yahoo! Rock on, Redbirds!