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what a week

I'm so glad it's friday. I wish I could have gotten that new layout up but what with the orgo test and the Cards making it to the World Series (I'm gonna fit that in as many places that I can today) it just wasn't gonna happen. Maybe next week, after I've made a new archives layout and a few new banners and buttons. But I'm quite proud that I've managed to figure out what the heck was causing weird CSS on Mozilla Firefox. Which is a much better browser than IE in my opinion, except that it doesn't display color scrollbars. Though, since regular Macs don't do that either, all is well.

Speaking of Macs, I really need a new laptop. The flickering is getting worse on my laptop, which is scary. I keep telling myself that I just have to not spend two paychecks worth, and I can have the new iBook with more memory AND an iPod. I just have to have self control. Will have to work on that. Well, that and pay rent. Ugh. I truly do hate paying rent. But buying a house sounds so scary, so final...so single, if I'm doing it by myself. Which I probably would be doing, as things are going for me. Bah.

But I've reached a stopping point on the layout-ing, so I'm going to head over to Dilliards and pick up some Clinique stuff and see if they have any Cards stuff. Yay Cards! Whee!

listening to  Chris Rice: Deep Enough to Dream

file under: muses
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