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waiting for tonight

...when the test is over. I feel like I've been under a lot of stress lately and it just hasn't gone down. On the upside, I HAVE to be out of here by 5 because they're laying tile (finally! It's actually going to look like a hallway instead of a war zone) and everyone has to be out. Yay. I'll leave an hour early anyway and head over to the library to study. Tests are hard! wish me luck. I'll need it.

I just had to laugh when I saw this line in my comment-notification email (of course I deleted the comment, but it's funny to see what the spam-bots string together hoping to make their comment sound legitimate):

Eisenhower!! Your mimeograph machine upsets my stomach!!

Yeah. Lovely.

So am I a horrible person to want to head over to King's College since I'm trying to read up on it for my NaNo novel? Sigh. London has always been a place I want to visit, but now it's much higher.

Must go study!

file under: education


Hey good luck in your test :)

Well, yay... had that when I went to Blackburn...rofl. Freakin mess....even had it when my sister attended the college last year.

I think that somehow there is a hack for that...I know for Greymatter there is a hack to prevent spammers.

London is a great place to go, and I hear a great place to study at. You would not be bad for going there.

I went there as a student ambassador in 1997...and I keep wanting to go back.... :)

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