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glad that's over

So, the test is finally over. Thank goodness I don't have to carry around my orgo books for at least two weeks. Ugh. I think I'm going to have back problems from this class. I actually weighed both the orgo book and the solutions manual...together they only weigh 10 pounds, but carrying that extra ten pounds every day is a bitch. Ah well.
I know there were some stupid things I missed because I just couldn't think of them...I even wrote down the steps for it, I just couldn't think of the reagents needed. I could kick myself, if I could. Er. Hopefully I'll get full credit on a few of the questions. Ah, the joys of partial credit.
And on the NaNo front: I have reached 13,000 words, which sounds like a lot, but we're close approaching the 15th of Nov when theoretically I should be halfway finished. Eh. Not failing orgo is a higher priority than finishing the novel. But I think I might actually be able to do both. Who knows? I do think it's coming along quite well, but I have to try to figure out how it's going to end. I need an ultimate goal for the characters, you know? What would *you* have a boy who learns he's King Arthur reborn do? In modern times. Yeah. Not so original, but it's fun to write. It's definitely tending towards the fantastic side. I don't think I can write reality, unless it's on this blog.
I'm happy because tonight I can go home and actually *watch* tv instead of taping it, hoping to watch the shows later. I'll probably never get around to seeing all the shows I have on tape right now. A little over two weeks worth, I think. Oy. But I'll have my laptop set up out there in the living room, so hopefully I'll get something done. Yay for upping the word count! I'd post an excerpt, if I were on the comp that had it.
And hopefully MT will let me post this. Some days I hate technology.

listening to  Switchfoot: Dare You to Move

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