I'll be around the bend
I thought this was pretty cool, and right for the season and all... "May all your hopes and wishes come true." I hope that I didn't do poorly on the orgo test, which we'll get back tonight. (just on the off chance that someone likes the art print, you can click on it to buy it and send a little cash my way
Speaking of orgo, yes, there was a test on monday, it was deceptively easy. Maybe it was just that I actually did study for this test, but it always makes me nervous when I finish early, even after checking my answers several times. On the one hand it's great that it was 'easy,' I studied more for this test than I did the last two, but it worries me that other people thought it was easy too and therefore the curve will be high. But as Alex pointed out, if I did well I don't have to worry. Here's to not worrying. And here's to Leo getting a job until April! Whee! Here's NOT to having to take orgo lab next semester, at EIGHT AM on SATURDAYS. grr. argh. Remind me again why I think I could be a doctor?
So I still haven't gotten any more christmas presents than the one for my mom, and I need to figure out what to get the various and sundry people in my life as gifts. And people keep asking me what I want... but I honestly haven't thought about the 'little things' that it would make sense for people to buy me. You know, things that aren't a computer, or keyboard, or a digital camera. But yes, candles are accepted
I went through a fair number of them while studying orgo and writing NaNo. Perhaps this
Orlando Bloom calendar?
But I'm still here, just not feeling very writerly, which I suppose is natural after the somewhat artificial writerlyness of last month. I promise I'll get around to finishing Novare soon. My mom says that aside from overall fixing up, it's very good. She's not biased or anything
On the happy side, got a christmas tree with Kate last night. V. pretty from outside. Inside ain't bad either
I went with a slightly more expensive tree because it smelled...so...good. Still does. Nice to walk into the apartment and have mmm, pine scent. Now I just need more ornaments and lights and do something with the Free Boughs I got from that nice little place on Watson that didn't make me pay tax because I am a returning customer. Whee Christmas!
because they're pretty: