Wishlists. Yeah
This Legolas Lithograph would make a nice gift, don't you think?
[edit]*moan* I want this Legolas calendar! Yes I am a fangirl. Haven't you figured that out by now?[/edit]
I have a small wishlist, which is, of course, at home, not at work. Therefore you'll just have to settle for going to Amazon or AE and search for my wishlists there, or you could always click on the links beneath this post
Seriously, folks, what (cheap) things do you want for christmas? I think I've got my parents taken care of, but I have no idea what to get Olga, my roommate, for instance. She gave me chocolate and the mini Trilogy version of the LotR calendar. Mmmr. And this next paycheck is basically going to pay the rent and the bills, so I won't have a lot left over to spend on gifts. Sigh.
In case you were wondering, I went through and changed some of the ads/affilates through out the site. I'd really appreciate it if you did some shopping through those links...activity is nice, and there are some good deals. Hopefully they're not too intrusive. lol. do your shopping through my site! whee!
In case you were wondering, I got my latest orgo test back, and I did much better. I guess the flash cards helped. Though that means I have to make a heckuva lot before the final...grumble grumble. Studying sucks. The final really will determine my grade...I think I'm still hovering about the mean, when I want to be on the happy side of the bell curve...*dreads orgo studying* And silly library, getting both (rather long) books that I had on request in on the same week...both due the week of the final. I guess we'll see if I finish them. I'm sure there are requests for both of them so I won't be able to renew. Ah well. There's always another hold, I suppose...
Still pent up about that saturday lab. I really don't like the fact that I have to take it; but I guess I will. Doesn't mean I have to like it! I know I spent all those saturdays in high school and college getting up absurdly early to make it to track meets, and spent much longer times at said meets than the piddly 8am - 2pm lab will take up, but at least those were fun and I wasn't graded...ugh. Did I mention the fact that there's an Arthurian Mythology class offered Wednesday nights (which is of course the same time as the orgo class)? Sigh. One of these days I will be able to take fun classes. Tap dance for free, anyone?
Because I really like this picture and you might see more of it soon, once I find a nice hi-rez version...