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So this isn't solely an ad post, I can ramble a bit about studying for orgo, and how very sad I am that the stupid final is Monday so I won't get to spend much time with the wonderful people coming into town for the holidays this weekend. I am finding it immensely hard to keep my mind on orgo, even without the temptation to pop in the RotK:EE, since I don't have it
Grudgingly I admit that it's good that Mom is holding onto it for me. But I just want to touch So sorry Molly and Alex and Leo that I'll only be able to see you for a short time on Sunday. It looks like I really shouldn't even go carolling with the AHS drama alums, as much as I would like to. I suppose I'll have to resign myself to singing along with my Christmas cds and KEZK, the
soft rock Christmas station.
I hope that Molly and I get to watch RotK together sometime, and Leo needs to watch HP 3...sigh. I keep thinking that I've got a break coming up or something, even though I don't, really. Well, I guess I could take some vacation while there are no classes, but I guess I'm still stuck on the "christmas vacation from school" thing, even though it's been two years. Bah. I really do need to take vaca anyway. Here's to Jen and Lell going to NY! Yeah. Next summer.
Oh, why don't you head over here and check out these story banners? Well, there's only the one right now, hopefully there can be more uploaded later. I like hosting people.
I guess I should get back to voting and studying. Sigh. What a way to spend a friday night.