I guess I'm glad that's over
Man, I can't believe I made it through that orgo test. It had 'fake' multiple choice where you still had to do most of the work and some reaction questions and mostly stuff I didn't know, which is silly and absurd given that I've spent the last four months griping about orgo. Sigh. It's not nice. We'll get our grades online soon, but the actual tests won't come back until next semester's class starts. Silly teacher, thinking we want to take the next section of orgo. Sigh. I guess it might be good for me someday, but all I can say now is, Dear God let there be a big curve.
Shortly I'm going to head out and possibly hit the mall to pick up
and maybe
. And did you know that it's the 40th anniversary of
? lol. And then I'm going (FINALLY!) pick up my RotK dvd
yay! LotR goodness! sigh. I'm such a fangirl.